Thursday, June 21, 2012

6/22 - We don't have regular Bible study at PCAC on this Friday

From: Jun Yang <>
To: sam shen <>; xiang liu <>; zeng zu <>; Tiffanyyan Mei <>; Aegean Chen <>; Huang amy <>; Kim-Soon Tan <>; Jun Yang <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 11:54 PM
Subject: 06/22/2012 Self-control group - No Meeting!

Dear All,

We don't have regular Bible study at PCAC on this Friday. You may
study the Bible at home.

Thanks God for safely bringing me back, and thank you all for praying
during my trip in China.

Sam: I didn't take pictures by myself in China, and can't share with
you. Sorry about that.

In Him!

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